Presentation night 30th October 2024
After assessments trophies were awarded to the top three and the most improved
1st Sarah Wall with Finlay the Wire Haired Vizler received The Ardeshir Trophy
2nd Jane Newton with Sally the Springer Spaniel received The Smethurst Cup
3rd Kelly Dyson with Ralph the Labrador received The Bailey Cup
Most improved Nicki Cartledge with Sian the Corgi received the Progress Cup
Diplomas were awarded to all who completed the course
Annabelle Dent with Apollo the Staffy/Bulldog X
Kelly Dyson with Ralph the Labrador
Sarah Etchells with Benny the Havanese
Jane Newton with Sally the Springer Spaniel
Ruth Smith with Ziggy the Russian Terrier
Nicki Cartledge with Sian the Corgi
Ian Stewart with Ella the Border Collie
Sarah Wall with Finlay the Wire Hair Vizsla
Val Burdge with Chi chi the Lagotto Romagnolo
Annabelle Dent with Apollo the Staffy/Bulldog X
Kelly Dyson with Ralph the Labrador
Sarah Etchells with Benny the Havanese
Jane Newton with Sally the Springer Spaniel
Ruth Smith with Ziggy the Russian Terrier
Nicki Cartledge with Sian the Corgi
Ian Stewart with Ella the Border Collie
Sarah Wall with Finlay the Wire Hair Vizsla
Val Burdge with Chi chi the Lagotto Romagnolo